Friday, November 1, 2019

Top 10 Reasons why You Gotta Like the Edison Dems on November 5th

10. Because you like how the 'Council of the Whole' is Still searching for themselves after two years and yet another election cycle.

9. Because you like how the Edison Dems consistently interfere and try to influence the Edison School Board Elections every year.

8. Because you like how they don't let Checks & Balances interfere with Mayor Tom 'Now 24.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey's Muni-tax increases year-after-year-after-year after-year.

7. Because you like that 4th Qtr ambush to your Property tax bill because they understated the Muni-tax by 3.5-cents in the 3rd Qtr Estimated Property tax bills to hide a 5.1% Muni-tax increase in this election year.

6. Because you like how they tried to sandbag you with an $851m Suez deal and defiantly forced you to do their job and represent yourself.

5. Because you like how the Edison Dems support Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi's team for the Edison Board of Education while Shi and Peng are part of the Committee of the Whole investigation still going on now.

4. Because you like the Suez $851m 30-year deal so much, it inspired the Edison Board of Mythomania to come up with their own 30 year $189.5m Money Grab.

And listen to Board Member Moroney demonstrate the dysfunctionality of the School Board when talking about the $189.5m Money Grab - after she voted Yes for it, of course.

3. Because you Get the type of Leadership you Deserve and you like it.

2. Because you like how the Edison Dem candidates for Council responded to why they're supporting Shi's team for the Edison Board of Ed.

1. Because you like voting for the Local Dems over and and over again here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison and expect something different to happen.

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