Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Geez, can Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his dysfunctional School Board put more of a taint on their new 'Super Secret' Super Hire?!?

Well, looks like the Board of Mythomania has rushed to hire a new Super before the end of the year. Given everything that's gone on recently with this Local Dem-infested and politically corrupt School Board, you'd think whoever they pick will most likely carry a taint.

That being what it is, it gets worse. Apparently, they called a special meeting on Veterans day to discuss the Super position but publicly stated that NO ACTION WOULD BE TAKEN at that meeting on both their website and in the local papers.

But guess what - they did take action. They sent a contract for Bernard F. Bragen, Jr. down to the County Super for approval.

That's a Tad Bit Not Nice thing to do.

Now, that being somewhat disconcerting and giving the appearance that they were trying to railroad in the person of their inept choice without any chance for public comment in such an underhanded way, I thought I'd ask them to explain what they did.

Of course, when and if I get an answer, I'll let you know. But I'm not holding my breath waiting.

Further, since they made it public without any County Super and Board approval, albeit it a shady way, I further made an OPRA Request for Mr. Bragen's 3 1/2 year contract and Resume. Would be nice to see what they're giving him over 3 1/2 years and if his background, experience and performance supports what I understand is a very large amount of money.

Anyhoo, by their own actions for their own reasons, they're putting a taint over this guys head before he even walks into the door over there on Pierson Ave, at the intersection of Mythomania Lane and Dysfunction Junction.

1 comment:

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