Friday, November 22, 2019

Really, Future Superintendent speaks out - guess we don't need to wait for the Board of Mythomania's Vote on Monday!?!

Well, this is interesting. We have to wait until the Board of Mythomania votes Monday to see Dr. Bragen's resume and what's in his 3 1/2 year contract but, apparently, he doesn't have to wait for a contract before we have to see him act 'unofficially' official.

Seriously, nothing like jumping the gun here. After reading this piece, you gotta get a warm feeling all over about the future of the school district.

Geez, call me skeptical but based upon his public resume here - sure looks like a Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley resume and we all know how that turned out. You'd think we would of learned our lesson with a small school, small budget resume with lots of movement to get up the ladder to Super - but apparently not.

Now it's a Hazlet Super for 6 years with less than 3,000 students and a $60 million budget.

Not exactly someone with experience to handle a school district our size, diversity, complexities and needs or with the amounts of money involved here. Just don't see how his experience, accomplishments and academic achievements fit the challenging needs the Edison School District deserves.

But hey, at least he has this to say about the Bond Referendum:

'Dr. Bragen commented on the much debated bond referendum, which will be on the ballot on December 10. “As, hopefully, the future superintendent, when I become official, I would endorse that endeavor, obviously, because I think it addresses a need that has to be met, as far as finding appropriate classroom space for growing student enrollment,” he said citing increasing enrollment affecting building capacity.'

Really, 'as, hopefully, the future superintendent, when I become official...

But hey - good to know that when he starts on December 9th, he'll be up to speed by December 10th to justify and support his comments about this Ridiculous, Idiotic, I'll-Conceived, Opaque, Piecemeal and Overpriced $189.5m Big Money Grab, aka School Bond Referendum.

Then again, that's what happens when you don't have anyone looking out for the residents/taxpayers sitting at the decision-making table over there on Pierson Ave, at the intersection of Mythomania Lane and Dysfunction Junction.

Not for nothing but hard to understand for the estimated $250k salary plus the usual perks involved here why we couldn't find someone with such comparable experience and a proven record of performance at this level.

Anyhoo, good luck with this guy since I take it he can count to 5 or he wouldn't be out there doing this kind of nonsensical self-promotion before the fact.

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