Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Nah! there's no Politics involved with the Local Dem-infested Edison Board of EDems!?!

Well, just heard that last night that the Edison Council is again throwing out the possibility of moving the School Board of Elections back to April.

If I understand correctly, they will put it up on their December 11th agenda.

Now, I say again because they threatened to do this once before and then cancelled the meeting at the last moment.

Just like anything else in life there are pros and cons with everything we do and whether you're for moving it or not, everyone needs to be heard but only if this is serious this time and just not another in a long line of their usual political minutia moments.

So, I don't know if the Council is serious about this or if everybody is just trying to stick it to one another as they play musical chairs between both sides of town or out the door but I will say this - while there are persuasive arguments that can be made on both sides of this, the greatest con facing those who support not moving the election back to April is this inept leadership nightmare entrusted with hundreds of millions of your tax dollars:

    Poster-Child for Moving School Board Elections back to April:

Good luck trying to defend not being able to vote on $260+m School Budgets from what we've seen with this guy in charge.

And finally, why this vote will probably most likely not happen, there's this:

So, I say this to my friends on the Edison Council and the Edison Board of Education, you created this mess we're in but don't make it any worse by tossing useless self-serving hyperbole at each other just to get everybody riled up - but hey, if you decide to do it, let me know but don't schedule a meeting and then cancel it at the last minute if you chicken out again.

Anyhoo, you shouldn't take any of this stuff seriously since the Stench that Still Lingers over both sides of this town isn't going away anytime soon.

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