Monday, November 4, 2019

When the Edison Dems join forces with the 'Shi Team' to influence the BoE Elections and Stand by Silently as one of the Candidates is viciously attacked unimpeded - it Should Make all Democrats in this town Puke

You know, being a life-long Democrat and Resident of Edison which now has become a conglomerate of corrupt Edison Dem-Party politics, you really have to ask yourself what the hell is going on in this town.

Do they think that we're so Stupid that we don't see how they're representing their political alliances to keep power more than they Bogusly claim to Represent You?

Since when is it the role of the Edison Dems to pick the winners of the Board of Ed election - Geez, I thought that was Your Right to choose.

Since when is it that any decent, fair-minded Dem-Elected Official or Candidate in this town would sit by quietly while one of our own Residents gets Unfairly and Viciously attacked just because he chose to run for the Board of Ed and he's not their choice.

And I'm specifically talking about Anthony De Amorin's Candidacy. While I'm not a supporter of his Candidacy, I won't sit quietly by and watch this crapola go on. He has every right to run as anyone else does in this town, whether you support him or not - and to do so without the constant, underhanded and ofter anonymous attacks on his character. The People of Edison will decide about Mr. De Amorin's Candidacy.

Since when is it that we as Residents allow these Local Democratic Politicians and it's Democratic Party - let this heinous game to influence elections to go unchecked?

Since when is it that you have to be Embarrassed to live in this town anymore?

And Yes, I'm talking about the Edison Dem-Party and all Local Democratic Officials - Elected and Running Now for Council:

Shariq Ahmad
Mayor Lankey
All the current sitting Dem Council people
All the Dem Candidates running for Council

Since when is it that this town has gone down an even Bigger Sewer than Suez while the Edison Dems just idly sit by watching it happen?

Since when is it that we're coming up on the second election post the 2017 Racist Flyer and the Edison Dems 'Committee of the Whole' is still in search of themselves with no end is sight?

Since when is it that we have to get Robo calls from Edison Dem Council Candidates saying we should Vote for them because of all the wonderful things they bogusly claim to have done and will do yet don't say all the terrible things they have done and let happen (and I'm specifically talking about your Robo call Councilman Coyle - you gotta be kidding me with that nonsense you were spewing, and unfortunately, I know it. Please don't Robo call me again.)

Since when is it we allowed Decency and Fair-play to be trumped by Greed and Political-ambition of a few at the expense of the many?

You know it's true what they say, When People Tell You Who They Are - You Should Believe them.

And the Democratic Political Class in this town are telling You Who they Are by their lack of voice here, along with their deeds and actions. A Bunch of self-serving, politically-driven, group thinking puppets that will serve the Democratic-party's cause even if it's at the expense of decency and fair-play to any opposition in the process.

So, as a Life-long Democrat and Resident of this town - I would suggest to You that if you Vote tomorrow for any Local Democratic Candidate and/or the Edison Dem-backed 'Shi Team' Candidates for the Edison Board of Ed, then saying without any hesitation or reservation on a reality check basis - You'd be a Moron.

And don't waste your time trying to say that those running for Dem-Council or Dem-backed Board of Ed now are for change - everybody running for office says that - until they get elected.

Here's the twisted political game going on - don't fall for it:

And since I asked for clarification, I'll let you know if I get a response:

Anyhoo, only You can put an end to all this crapola tomorrow that has left our town with a Stench hanging over it that just won't go away as long as you keep letting the Local Dems let it Linger.

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