Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Well, there you go - guess it's true what they say, when rats run out of food - they eat their own!

Well, saw this piece here in Tap into Edison and you really have to chuckle before you vomit. And you wonder why I refer to the Edison Board of Education as the Board of Mythomania?

Nah, there's no Politics over there on Mythomania Lane, aka Dysfunction Junction.

Geez, not for nothing but Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl, aka Poster-Child for Term Limits and Suez 'Man of the Year' has been sniffing around that job for years so I'm not surprised that someone is recommending him for the spot.

But let's not be hypocritical here. Edison Board of Ed Prez Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his Board of Silence are no strangers to letting politics infiltrate the School District by moving the School Board Elections to November. They took away Your Right to Vote on Bloated and Out-of-Control $pending School Budgets and you get the kind of mess this town is in now in return. Nice, isn't it?

Here, remember these guys before and after the 2017 election?

And who could forget their celebrating after the election?

And let's be honest about the 'Requirements' put forth for the Super job by the Board of Dysfunction.

They're as self-serving and disingenuous as can be when it comes to being open and honest. Remember before how we just absolutely had to have someone with a doctorate for Super?

Yeah, that worked out well with Super Dr. Richard 'Looking for the Exit Ramp' O'Malley, didn't it. Further, remember all those sophomoric 'Requirements' they come up with every year for a Super bonus? You can make most of them by just showing up for work.

So, whether Senor Diehl is the best candidate or not, you'll never know but let's not pretend that his position here in 'Downtown' Edison doesn't influence those here in the 'DemBadLands' of Downtown Edison to push for him.

And seriously, Dr. Chen - 'This is about our children, our schools, and there is no room for politics.' - Where have you been living? Guess you never speak with Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi, do you?

Anyhoo, had enough of this town's stewardship on both sides of town yet?

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