Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Top 10 Reasons why you gotta like the Rush for a New Super by Year-end over there on Mythomania Lane

10. Because you like that Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his band of architects didn't want a New Super getting in the way of his $189.5m idiotic, opaque, ill-conceived, overpriced and unnecessarily burdensome plan that triples your last school tax increase for the next 30 years.

9. Because you like that the Board of Dysfunction could see up to one-third of their Silent club over there on Dysfunction Junction changing with this election and you don't want Senor Shi  to have to take any chances.

8. Because you like the Committee of the Whole thingie is still running around chasing themselves and we still don't know anything more about the 2017 Racist Flier.

7. Because you like that Board Members Ward and Brescher have both decided not to seek re-election and you want them to have a say about the future of the school district on their way out the door.

6. Because you like it that Senor Shi would most likely Not run for re-election and you want to make sure that he gets to pick something other than fights before he loses hold on his inept leadership.

5. Because you like it that they're still debating whether one of them can even participate in voting for a new Super due to conflicting advise on conflict of interests.

4. Because you like it that it wasn't important that we haven't had a full-time Super since 2018 but all of a sudden we need to have one right away and before the end of the year.

3. Because you like it that a new Super should have No Say in what's needed to correct the Overcrowding.

2. Because you like the Stench that Still Lingers Over this Town and believe that politics hasn't tainted school board elections over there on Dysfunction Function since we moved the School Board elections to November.

1. Because you don't see the need to first vote down that Ridiculous  December 10th Bond Referendum and have them do a major redo along with the input of a New Super next year.

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