Friday, October 18, 2019

Edison Dems Running with Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi's Team - Can You Believe this one?!?

Nah, there's no politics in the Edison BoE election. Good thing Shi's team is running on an anti-politics platform. Apparently, politics has no place on the school side of town but does have a place in their campaign.

See anything Wrong with this Picture from the Edison Democrats website (which has recently been taken down):

Geez, the Stench Still hasn't cleared from the 2017 Election and now this piece of work? You can Smell the Hypocrisy all the way from Oligarchy Blvd to Mythomania Lane. Kind of points out the fallacy of the Committee of the Whole's search for themselves, don't you think?

Not for nothing, but what are you doing Brescher? I get Patil doing this and Coyle is just out to lunch -  but et tu Rich? Are you so desperate to win that you're hooking up with Shi? Guess it's no wonder why now, as the only construction guy on the School Board, you Shut Your Eyes to Shi and his band of architects Ridiculously Overpriced $189.5m Money Grab, aka School Bond Referendum. Shame on You for Selling Out the People of Edison! That makes You the Worst Kind of Public Servant - Self-Servant.

Anyhoo, take my advice Good People of Edison and Stop being played by these self-serving characters who have made a mockery of this town long enough - Do Not Vote for Shi's team for the Edison BoE and certainly Do Not Vote for the Edison Democ-Rats.


  1. The council cannidates are only working on thier campaign, were did you get that picture mr B

  2. I posted it above the picture in the post. It was from the Edison Democrats website.
