Monday, December 16, 2024

Just another Reminder why You Never want Jerry Shi to be the Face of the Board of Mythomania Leadership ever again

Well, as unfortunate as it may be that Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man was elected this past November, it's quite unbelievable that he's trying to become Board President again.

Yeah, that's what you want to have in charge of the Board. Someone who doesn't have the time to discuss anything with other Board Members if they don't agree with him.

Clearly, someone with a dictatorial demeanor, who alienates both Board Members and the Public, is not someone who should be in charge of anything, especially when it comes to Oversight of School Budgets approaching some $400 million. Not exactly a team player nor someone open to differing opinions and would be a detriment to moving the school district forward, as he was during his past 10 years on the Board.

Anyhoo, it would be a Big mistake if the Board Members allowed him to be Board President again - all they would be doing is changing the focus on moving the School District forward to a focus on what Mr. Shi-shed does or doesn't do as Board President in his dictatorial demeanor world.

Let's hope the Board does what's best for the School District on January 2, 2025 and never let him anywhere near the Board President seat again.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Just one of the Reminders why You Never want Jerry Shi to be the Face of Board of Mythomania Leadership ever again!

 Well, as unfortunate as it may be that Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man was elected this past November to the Edison Board of Mythomania, Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Dysfunction, Board of Hoarders, it's not surprising that he's making a bid to be Board President again at the January 2, 2025 Reorg Meeting.

After some previous 10 years on the Board with a dismal record and an inept leadership combined with his dictatorial demeanor that alienated both the other Board Members and the Public and wasting time and money without solving the biggest problem the school district has - Overcrowding.

He'll be a detriment to moving the School District forward just like he was during previous time on the Board.

Anyhoo, let's hope the Board Members do not make the same mistake again by putting his name in nomination to be Board President at the Reorg Meeting.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Edison Council 'Sh*t Show' Meeting Follies - Courtesy of Council President Nish 'Choo-choo' Patel, aka Don't Let Brescher Speak Patel

 Well, looks like Council President Patel can't even wait until his Ridiculous Ordinances limiting Speaking time and other decorum rules are voted upon and passed with the Pocket Council to Slap this on the Council Chamber Doors.

What more can you say about this guys performance as Council President other than he should of already resigned in disgrace, which I already asked of him to do?

Since he didn't take my advice and is still offending everyone, here's something else you can say about his demonstrable incompetence as Council President - How about he Seriously Lacks any Political Charisma while Running Ruining the Council Meetings. Political Charisma is Power with Empathy. Unfortunately, he has the Power but Lacks the Empathy.

And what's this all about from Councilman Joe 'the Florist' Coyle, aka Mayor of Clara Barton, Poster-child for Wards and Joe 180 filming the Speakers at the Podium?:

Hmm..since the Council Meetings No Longer Show the Speakers at the Podium during Council meetings, perhaps he's performing a Public Service by filming the Speakers at the Podium - or, then again, maybe he just wants to show his Scary face to those who Dare to Ask anything about What goes on in Clara Barton or Why he's got his head so far up 'Bubble-boys' arse.

Either way, seems like you can OPRA his phone recordings if you want to see who was Speaking.

Anyhoo, the Edison Council 'S*hit Show' Meetings continue on.

Friday, November 15, 2024

It's one thing to be a one-party town but it's quite another to be a one-party Sh*t show town

 Well, it's no Secret that this Dem-party town has always been politically-corrupt but it's never been turned into the Sh*t Show it is now since we've allowed a hand-picked incompetent buffoon to be elected Mayor and a 'Pocket Council' there to prevent exposing his incompetence while they destroy this town with their disdain and disrespect for it's own residents and frivolous spending. 

Does it really have to get like this just to protect an inept stewardship?:

Anyhoo, Welcome to Edison where Free Speech Goes to Die and Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Top 10 Reasons why You Want to Vote for Doug 'Mr. Hospitality' Schneider and Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-Shed, Mr. Pac-Man on Nov. 5th

10. Because You Want to See Which Ineptly Leads the Board and Which Undermines the Leadership this time around.

9. Because You Want to See Which pissed away the most money for what was too much of a financial burden for too little a solution - the 5-Year Plan or the 5-Year Strategic Plan.

8. Because You Want to See both Local Political Parties Lay a claim to the School Board and expand the descriptive names to Board of Mythomania, Board of EdDems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Dysfunction, Board of Unsavory Actions with Board of Ed-Reps.

7. Because you Want to See what Chris 'Mr. Turn-Coat' Lugo's gonna do after first running with Mr. Shi-shed to get elected and Switching over to Mr. Hospitality once elected.

6. Because You Want to See the Stench of a Politically-Corrupt School Board to Stink-on for another three years while continuing to piss away money.

5. Because You Want to See Financial Oversight of School Budgets approaching $400 million get trumped  by the Political Oversight with Inept Leadership of Mr. Hospitality and Mr. Shi-Shed Again.

4. Because You Want to See some More Unsavory Political Actions taken by the School Board without any Public input.

3. Because You Want to See how much they'll be Hiding when Voting on Hundreds of millions of School Budget dollars since both are Hiding How and Who Financed their Campaigns in this Nov. 5th election.

2. Because You Want to See who will first Bring up their Failed Leaderships with the Need for a Humongous School Bond Referendum when the State-aid money runs out but Overcrowding is Still the Biggest Problem.

1. Because You Want to See that School Board Elections are Really Nonpartisan and the Best Way to Prove it is to Elect Mr. Hospitality and Mr. Shi-shed Again.

Friday, November 1, 2024

You ignored the Warning the first time on one side of town, Don't make the Same Mistake twice on the other side of town

 Well, not surprising but it's sad to see what happened with Mayor Sam 'the Big Lie' Joshi's inept Stewardship. 

You should of seen this coming during his campaign.

You have an Opportunity to Avoid Making the same Mistake twice with the BoE election on Nov. 5th.

Don’t be fooled or tricked with political endorsements to a politically-corrupt cesspool. It’s been politically-corrupt ever since Shi & Schneider showed up and made worse with their inept leaderships pissing away money with their piecemeal nonsense and failing to properly address the Overcrowding while constantly fighting for political control. 

Given both had local political party affiliations, both have failed to file their NJ Elec Reports to show how they are and who is funding their campaigns and that alone show make you Not Vote for them - any claim to being nonpartisan is as bogus as they are.
You have a chance to start cleaning up a Politically-Corrupt School Board and turn the Board back to the benefit of the Kids in this cycle by not letting Schneider, Rivera and Shi back in.
Start Breaking up the Political Cesspool of the School Board. 

Don’t let Doug 'Mr. Hospitality' Schneider, Brian 'the Mulligan-Man' Rivera and Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac-Man back in and just pick one each from Columns 1 & 3 and D. Malhotra.
That’s a start. 

You’ll regret it if You don’t Wake up and Smell the Stench - just like with Joshi.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Edison GOP Backs 'Nonpartisan' School Board Candidates - Nothing to see here, it's Nonpartisan

 Well, saw this in the Edison Metuchen Patch here and kind of laughed. See, well there you go - it's Nonpartisan.

For Schneider, a registered Democrat, the endorsement reflects shared values in education and fiscal responsibility. He also noted that Rivera is a Democrat Committee person in District 24.

'It shows that people in town are looking  at the candidates themselves and not the political parties. It reflects shared values as it relates to education and the stewardship of tax dollars. It should never be partisan,' Schneder said.

'I'm proud to get any endorsement, to be honest, with you, and this one in particular, because it shows there are people out there that truly are just looking at candidates and not party.'

Schneider also dismissed all talk of partisanship creeping into the election.

'Some years ago when the Board of Ed moved their election from April to November, I think it gave people the perception that it's more political than it should be. But this is a a bipartisan ticket and is not necessarily aligned in the way that other elections are.'

So says the guy who aligned himself with Mayor Sam 'the Big Lie' Joshi to get elected the first time and now the the Edison GOP to get reelected.

So says the guy who has one of the worst records in solving the Overcrowding (along with Shi) and spent most of his inept Leadership time fighting with his competitor in this election, Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi for political control of the Board and pissing away all that state aid money on their piecemeal plan that won't solve the Overcrowding problem.

Wait, it gets better - Hahn said the endorsement was all about supporting the best candidate for the job. 'Two of the three people that I'm endorsing are Democrats. So the endorsement is nonpartisan, It;'s really about who we think is gonna  represent the district best and look out for the interest of the children,' Hahn said.

Hahn also noted that last year, he had supported candidate Jerry Shi for a BOE seat.

Good thing Hahn (and Lugo to Boot) don't dance with them who brought them. It must make Shi's day.

What's not mentioned in this piece is that both Schneider & Shi both haven't filed their NJ Elec reports to disclose how they're and who's funding their campaigns and I guess that makes it a nonpartisan Democratic thing since Joshi hasn't filed his since the 2nd qtr. of 2023.

Perhaps this piece is best summed up by a quote form Micah Rasmussen, director of Rider University's Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics - 'I do think if a candidate is trying to respect the nonpartisan nature of the school board, they probably want to steer clear of a party's help. But having said that, again there's no prohibition against it.'

Guess Schneider and Shi don't quite respect the nonpartisan nature of the school board:

Don't be foolish and rely on political party endorsements in a politically-corrupt town - Schneider and Shi both have Leadership records on the Board, and they're both bad. 

Anyhoo, it's a political cesspool over there on Mythomania Lane created by both Shi and Schneider and if you don't start cleaning that mess up by kicking Schneider and Rivera to the curb and Not letting Shi back on Nov. 5th - you'll regret it later on.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Who's Funding Columns 1 & 3 in the Nov. 5th Boe Election for that Political Cesspool known as the Board of Mythomania, Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Dysfunction and Board of Unsavory Actions

 Well, seems there's a lot of money being raised and/or spent in this Edison Boe cycle and, not for nothing, haven't seen anything posted on the NJ Elec site yet for Columns 1 (Errico, Shi & Patel) and Column 3 (Schneider, Jaitly & Rivera).

Apparently, there was a 29-day Preelection Report due on October 7, 2024 for the November 5th election:

The only thing I could find was a D-2 filing, Joint Candidates Committee - Certificate of Organization and Designation of Campaign Treasurer and Depository for Schneider & Rivera on August 14, 2024 listing Schneider as Chairperson and Rivera as Treasurer with No Depository information indicated.

Do any of the candidates/joint committees for the November 5th Edison Boe election have any reporting obligations for the 20-day Preelection Report?

You would think so. Aren't they accepting donations and spending money?

If they are, seems it might be important to know if they're self-funding, who is contributing to their campaigns and what they're spending money on.

Their Contributions and Expenditures Not showing up in NJ Elec should concern everyone. Unfortunately, we have a sitting Mayor who is also behind on his NJ Elec filing but since he's already in office, we can't deal with that bit of political chicanery until (if and when) he seeks reelection.

However, we do have the chance to deal with Columns 1 & 3 for failing to report their campaign funding before the November 5th election.

Columns 1 & 3 should disclose for transparency purposes their contributions and expenditures and do it now. With mail-in-voting already in play and voting starting on October 26th, they owe the voters this information. If they don't, then it's something the Residents should take into consideration before voting.

If they're Not willing to share how their campaigns are being funded, then no one should cast their vote for them.

Anyhoo, we already have a Mayor who's Not disclosing who's contributing to his political coffers - do you want to carry that same bit of political chicanery over to the School District?

Friday, October 11, 2024

On Nov. 5th, Don't make it choice between Schneider or Shi - Either Way, You'll Lose

Don’t make it choice between these two on Nov 5th - either way, you’ll lose. Both had their leadership chance and both failed. They turned it into the political mess it is over there and if you let either one back in, you’ll see more of the same if Schneider continues to control the Board or Shi controls the Board - pissing away all that state aid money until it runs out and they still won’t have properly addressed the Overcrowding problem.
Vote for Change on Nov 5th and not for more of the same with these two. You’ll regret it down the road when all the state aid the money runs out.

Overcrowding has been a problem that neither of them have Properly Addressed (with their inept leaderships) while pissing away all that state aid money on piecemeal plans that won't work:

These two are responsible for turning the Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Mythomania, Board of Hoarders, Board of Dysfunction and Board of Unsavory Practices into the political cesspool that is has become:

And let's not forget Brian 'the Mulligan Man' Rivera pulling that ridiculous stunt in a Caucus Meeting to extend the Super's contract an additional year - just so he could save his reelection.

Anyhoo, do yourselves a favor and Vote for a Change on November 5th to this Politically corrupt School Board by Voting out Incumbents Doug 'Mr. Hospitality' Schneider and Brian Rivera and Don't let Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed and Mr. Pac-Man anywhere near another term on the School Board.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Edison Regular Council Meeting - October 9, 2024

Well, a Big Shout-out to Charlie Kratovil of New Brunswick today for his comments during this meeting and for posting this meeting on his You Tube page.

Said it before and will say it again - Council President Nish 'Choo-choo' Patel aka, Nish 'Don't Let Brescher Speak' Patel needs to Step-down as Council President. He just continues to make a mockery out of the Council Chamber Meetings.

Here's the October 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting 

Seems the only thing he's assuring with his lack of understanding of how to run a Council meeting is that Mayor Sam 'the Big Lie' Joshi will be One and Done.

Anyhoo, Welcome to Edison where Free Speech goes to die and Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer - enjoy.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Top 10 Bumper Stickers for Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed, Mr. Pac Man - Paid for by his Get Me Out of Forced Retirement Fund

 10. Vote for Me, I'm Jerry Shi - Lousy with Community.

9. Vote for Shi - he Put the 'Dumb' in ReferenDumb.

8. Vote for Shi - he Saved you Millions but You can't See it.

7. Vote for Shi - 3-Terms wasn't enough to Fix the Overcrowding.

6. Vote for Shi - he'll Respect any Opinion as Long as it's His.

5. Vote for Shi - he needs 1 more term to be Awarded his School District Logo Underwear.

4. Vote for Shi - Candidates with Conflicts of Interest are only a Problem if they're Not on his ticket.

3. Vote for Shi - he's Working on Shi-shed 4.

2. Vote for Me I'm Jerry Shi - that's all he's Got.

1. Run Shi Run - on Shi's Rear Bumper, on Schneider's Front Bumper.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Well, here's Brian 'the Mulligan Man' Rivera's 2nd attempt to get the Vote right on September 30th - even though an extension Now is so wrong.

 Well, here's the new Super Contract that was just posted - extended now for another year. 

Good thing it was erroneously Voted on from the dais by the Board in August - you'd think they'd at least have it first approved by the County Super. But hey, when their's no logical rationale for extending the contract after the Super being only 1-year into an almost 5-year contract already - even if you buy into that fairytale 5-Year Strategic Plan. Most prudent people would wait a year or two to see how the 5-Year Strategic plan is progressing before doing something this wrong.

And you wonder why it's a political cesspool over there on Mythomania Lane.

But hey, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that Brian 'the Mulligan Man' Rivera gets a chance to try and salvage his reelection bid after Not supporting the appointment of the Super - by now playing Kissy-face with him. 

Anyhoo, since they, apparently, like to make up their own rules as they go to suit their political needs - make sure you recognize that this guy needs to be Voted out on November 5th.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

ETEA BOE Candidates Night - 2024

 Well, last night they had the annual ETEA BOE Candidates Night. This year there are 7 candidates vying for 3 seats. 

Column 1 is the Edison Students First slate of Ralph Errico, Jerry Shi (both former BOE members) and Ronak Patel. 

Column 2 is Dimple Malhotra.

Column 3 is the Champions for Students slate of Doug Schneider, Brian Rivera (both Incumbents) and Manoj Jaitly.


Candidates Night:

A Big thanks to ETEA President Matt Hrevnak and his Staff for putting this together, along with the live stream, so the Residents and Taxpayers can see and learn some more from and about the candidates:

Anyhoo, watch and listen to what the candidates have to say as part of your due diligence before you vote.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Pat attention to what's going on over there on Mythomania Lane on September 30th

 Well, looks like the Board of Mythomania, aka Board of Ed-Dems, Board of Hoarders, Board of Dysfunction and now Board of Unsavory Actions are up to their usual nonsense again.

According to their meeting schedule published on their website, the September Public Meeting will have the $36 million J Marshall Lease/Purchase Financing and the Super's 1-Year Contract Extension up for vote.

Let's start with the Super's 1-Year Contract Extension. Thanks to this sorry excuse of a Board Member. 

Thanks to this guy trying to pass that 1-year extension in a Caucus Meeting without Public Notice and No disclosure of what the Cost and terms would be or even if the Super agreed to the terms, they have to do a 'Mulligan' at the September 30th Public Meeting. 

Apparently, Brian 'the Mulligan Man' Rivera doesn't know that you can't do that without a Public notice or he's trying salvage his reelection after Not supporting the Super to be appointed Super.

As for the Super's 1-year Contract Extension at this time, it's purely political and totally not necessary at this time. The Super's current contract is for 4-Years and 10.5 months and runs from August 16, 2023 through June 30, 2028. This contract with Salary & Perks, according to their website, goes from $387,557 for 2023-24 to $426,274 for 2027-28

Why would they want to extend his contract now when he's only 1-Year into his almost 5-Year Current Contract. Their excuse is the 5-Year Strategic Plan, which is about a bogus and far-fetched as they are. Even if you buy into that fairytale, wouldn't you want to see how the plan works out over the next year or two before you commit to another year?

There's no valid reason since it's way too early to be talking about an extension.

Of course, this is what's wrong with this Board - there's No Financial Oversight:

Let's move on to that J Marshall $36 million Lease/Purchase Financing without any disclosure of what the construction and financing costs are before the vote. Of course, it's always important to ask how something they originally estimated to cost $30 million or so is now up to $36 million - as they continue to piss money away on these piecemeal projects that won't solve the overcrowding.

You know Lease/Purchase projects are the Worst. You get No State Aid and it bypasses any Voter approval for Capital additions.

So, what are the construction and financing costs they used to come up with $36 million and what that 1-Year Super Contract Extension will Cost? Your guess is as good as mine but let's see if we can get those documents through OPRA. The Board may not care or understand what they're exactly voting on but the Public needs to know.

Anyhoo, this Board is so desperate to hide their unsavory actions and avoid answering questions that they've eliminated all Caucus Meeting for the balance of the year. Think about what that means for a second or two.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 10 Things Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi leaves off his Campaign Flyer in his Undeserved Bid on Nov. 5th to Get Back on the School Board

 10. His twice failed architect driven $300 million Bond Referendums were Too Much of a Financial Burden for Too Little a Solution, which leaves School Overcrowding a major problem today. A huge waste of money including providing money for 3 elections to try and force it through - despite the Voters wishes.

9. He claims to of Saved the taxpayers millions when he Saved the taxpayers Nothing.

8. He changed the Board of Ed into the Board of EdDems.

7. He Disenfranchised both the Public and Fellow Board Members with his Dictatorial and Inept Leadership style and demeanor over his 9 years on the Board.

6. He tries to claim credit for that $100 million bogus piecemeal (with understated costs) plan that won't solve the Overcrowding yet goes around telling everyone that the some costs of that piecemeal plan are running twice the original estimates. He wants to claim credit for doing something while trying to blame others for the doubling costs.

5. He likes Hoarding $30-$40 million in taxpayer monies.

4. He wouldn't return $3 million to the taxpayers when they had DOE approval to do so.

3. He Claims a Zero School tax increase over the last 3 years that's Not true. They kept the School tax Levy flat over the last 3 years but Not the School tax rate. The School tax rate went up 5.3-cents in 2022, down by 3.1-cents in 2023 and down another 1.3-cents in 2024. But don't be misled, in 2024 the 1.3-cents reduction in the School tax rate had nothing to do with their cuts to their Out-of-Control $pending - it was all due to the increase in the Rateables. The $pending actually went up by some $51 million.

2. He Never has a Problem with Conflicts of Interest on the Board - as long as the Conflicted is Running on His Ticket.

1. He Spends most of his time competing with and trying to undermine Board Members on the other side of the Board of EdDems in the Struggle to Control and Mis-$pend all those hundreds of millions of dollars.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Edison 11-Year Property Tax Rate History by Taxing Entity

 As you know, our Property tax bills consist of School taxes, County taxes, County Open Space taxes, Municipal taxes, Municipal Open Space taxes, Library taxes and, if applicable, Garbage Dist.1 taxes.

Here's the 11-Year Property Tax Rate History:

You should save this history since some Politicians like to Lie about what the Changes are from the Prior Year when Presenting their New Budgets.

Here's the 2024 Changes in the Tax Rates from 2023:

Anyhoo, remember - nothing in this town will change until you change it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kudos to Edison Council VP Margot Harris - 'It shouldn't be so hard to do the right thing.'

 With all due credit the

Council VP Excoriates Council President's Attempt To Limit Public Comment - Edison Reporter

The Edison Reporter StaffSeptember 10, 2024

Before any residents who came to the meeting to speak out against the council president’s policy to limit public comment had the opportunity, Council Vice President Margot Harris read a prepared statement. With a steely gaze and a voice filled with conviction, she delivered a prepared statement that excoriated Council President Nish Patel’s actions. Her words cut through the tension in the room, galvanizing the already simmering discontent among the attendees.

“I have written this, I don’t usually write my comments, but I this needed to written because I had a lot of them. The two word headline to describe my feelings about this ordinance is absolutely outrageous

It seems more than coincidental that this ordinance has come up in the wake of the 8/26 and 8/28 council meetings when council president had some issues with several resident speakers. I was vacation for those meetings, but I watched them on YouTube upon my return. 

My position on this ordinance change has not shifted since it was first discuss two years ago. I’m told part of the rationale behind this change is that it will help cut back the length of council meetings. But who is the real beneficiary of this change, I suspected this is more for the sake of council members, then it is for the public who have the option of leaving the meeting, whenever they want and can watch the rest of it on either Edison TV or YouTube. 

I would remind my Council Colleagues who are in favor of this ordinance change that we were elected to serve the best interest of the township of Edison and it’s residents; and while I don’t like long meetings anymore than the rest of you, I respect the needs of our constituents who very much value and want to keep the current ordinance and allow for transparency they seek. 

In my 2 1/2 years on the council never once has a resident complaint to me that the speaking time is to generous, in my view the only problem with the six minutes lies and the way they are handled by the council president or other members of council who interrupt the speaker instead of just allowing them to speak there peace and then sit down. Yes, some speakers can be provocative but as the saying goes; you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. 

In short, the resident who attend our meetings are the remotely deserve much more respect, and consideration than this therefore, I will emphatically be voting on this conceived ordinance. Thank you.”

The Council Vice President’s strong rebuke highlights the growing tension within the Council over Council President Patel’s leadership style. Critics argue that Patel’s approach is overly autocratic and dismissive of dissenting viewpoints. 

Council Vice President Harris’s statement is likely to further galvanize opposition to Patel’s policies and has already sparked a grassroots response. His attempt to limit public comment has led to a petition on, urging the Council to maintain the current public comment time at meetings, has quickly gained traction. This public outcry underscores the deep concern among community members about Patel’s perceived disregard for transparency and public participation in the decision-making process. The petition serves as a powerful reminder that any attempts to curtail public input will be met with strong resistance.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Infamous Council President Nish 'Choo-choo' Patel, aka Nish 'Don't let Brescher Speak' Patel and NOW Nish 'The Police-a-Nator' Patel

Well, who you gonna call when you can't Stop Residents from asking questions about 'Bubble-boys' inept stewardship? 

Guess he hasn't figured out yet that he's helping 'Bubble-boy' on his way to being one and done.

Anyhoo, just some more clouds hanging over 'Bubble-boys' fairytale wish for a political career.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Edson Council Looking to Reduce Public Speaking Time - Again

Well, seems at Monday's meeting there proposing O.2233-2024 to reduce speaking time from 6 minutes down to 4 minutes - to be voted on at the September 25th meeting.

Here watch this video:

Another Ridiculous attempt to reduce any query into the inept stewardship of 'Bubble-boy' down to 4 minutes before Council President Nish 'Choo-choo' Patel, aka 'Don't Let Brescher Speak Patel' has you escorted out by the police.

Enough with this nonsense and this disgrace of a Council President - what the Council needs to do is to Remove Nish Patel as Council President and side with the People of Edison, you know the People they actually work for and who pay their salaries.

Anyhoo, you get what you vote for in this politically corrupt town but nobody should have put up with Council President Nish Patel's outrageous conduct in the Council Chambers just to try and hide and protect the  incompetent governance going on here.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

This is another Boe election cycle - let's try and keep it out of Gutter over there on Mythomania Lane

You know, I'm all for anyone supporting whoever or whatever they want in this politically-corrupt town. What I'm not for is what seems to be the norm now - the sleazy political tactics and cheap-shots used just to try and win elections.

All these Incumbents and former Board members have records you can check out for yourself and decide which candidate represents what you want to see on the School Board.

I tell you all the time what I think we need and the reasons why:

And this year is no different.

However, seems some people have an issue with my being friends with one of the candidates - Ralph Errico. They think that I would be biased in his favor, which is totally untrue. I know his history on the School Board and I'm aware why he stepped away from the Board back in 2020. I don't have a problem with that he did and I understand the reasons why, he wasn't the only person in this town that did the same thing for the same reasons.

So, let me be clear - he is my friend and has been for many years and that will not change. Sorry, if that disappoints anyone.

And, just so you know, when he was on the Board I didn't cut him any slack, he probably didn't appreciate all the times I was all over him for the Ridiculous $pending and the Serious-flak I gave him for $pending $1.5m on that EHS Baseball-field. Told him for that Ridiculous price, we should of gotten a major refund for the Ugliest Color Red Ever Created - You have to Wear Sun-glasses Every Time you drive by it, it's so Blindingly-Offensive.

Do your own research and Check out everyone's records running for the Board in this cycle and then Vote for who you want. I don't care who you're friends with or why you vote the way you do. It's Your Vote, do what you think is best however you define it - but don't do it based upon cheap-shots and sleezy political campaign tactics going around town now. 

That's what I do and if the only choice for me in this cycle is between Schneider, Rivera, Shi (who turned this School Board into a political-cesspool) or Errico, I'll take Errico every time.

Anyhoo, use to be a time when people could treat other people with respect regardless of their political preferences and choices but that's been long lost in this town.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Welcome to another Big Month under an Inept Mayoral Stewardship and a Politically-Corrupt Board of Ed-Dems

Well, it's hard to Not see this past month how quickly this town has gone down the sewer on both sides of town.

Over there on Oligarchly Blvd., who can Not See how the Council Chambers has turned into a place to go to See Free Speech and Public Scrutiny of a Non-Transparent Administration turn into a quasi-Police state to protect an Inept Stewardship by his 'Pocket Council?'

And let's not forget the Root cause of this unacceptable treatment of the Residents/taxpayers:

Over there on Pierson Ave. at the cross-roads of Mythomania & Dysfunction Streets we have this bit of unsavory practice going on with the School Board sneaking in a 1-year extension ambush to the Super's Contract without any Public Notice. 

And wait, there's more going on with this Politically-Corrupt Board of Ed-Dems. Check out this 5-year Strategic Plan which is about as much a political fairy-tale, as evidenced by their selection of Political Advisors, as is 'Mr. Shi-shed' & 'Mr. Hospitality' thinking their Inept Leaderships and on-going hissy-fits with each other warrant another term on the School Board - and let's not even get into how much this 5-year Strategic Plan must of cost to put together:

Anyhoo, it's another month where the norm is to Shut-out the Public from the incompetent governance going on in this town.

Welcome to Edison - Where You Go to See Free Speech Die and Let's Not Forget the Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Geez, what's so hard to understand why Council Meetings are so disinviting to the Residents'?

 Well, here you Go.

Anyhoo, Welcome to Edison - Home of a Wonderful Story that Someone Ruined with the Truth and let's not forget the Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Board of Mythomania's Presentation of the 5-year Strategic Plan at their last meeting.

 Here's the link to their presentation on their website.

Here's the Organization Chart and Advisory Committee from that presentation:

Anyhoo, pay attention to this plan especially during this election year.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Some Unsavory action going on at last night's Board of Ed-Dems Meeting

Well, when you think things couldn't get any worse in that political cesspool over there on Mythomania Lane - think again.

Seems, without any public notice or even listed in the agenda for the meeting, a Board member raised a resolution from the dais to extend Super Dr. Aldarelli's contract an additional year.

How could that possibly happen without any public notice and discussion?

Dr. Aldarelli's current contract is for 4-Years and 10.5 months and runs from August 16, 2023 through June 30, 2028.  You can see his contract in the September 12, 2023 post in this blog.

Why would they want to extend his contract now when he's only 1-Year into his almost 5-Year Current Contract?

Further, what did Dr. Aldarelli agree to in terms of compensation and perks and what is this 1-Year Extension going to Cost the Taxpayers?

All questions that the Public should have been able to ask but weren't given the opportunity.

His Current Contract with Salary & Perks, according to their website, goes from $387,557 for 2023-24 to $426,274 for 2027-28.

Here's what's on their website for what it's worth (addition errors ignored):

It's unfortunate that the Board is again totally out of line and thinks that they could just do what they want but it's even more disappointing that Super Aldarelli went along with this blatant lack of transparency.

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that Board Members with Conflicts abstained from voting.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Councilman Brescher to introduce Resolution Naming that '$ Rip-off Hold-the-Hose Park' After Councilwoman Joyce Ship-Freeman

Well, that's a tad bit ridiculous of her to push something like this just so 'Bubble-boy' doesn't take credit for something he's never done. 

This thing Stinks to no end.

First of all, there are more deserving of the honor when naming things in this politically-corrupt town - like honoring service people, police, fire personnel etc. 

Certainly, not living politicians or one when on the Council I referred to as Joyce 'She's on the Council' Ship-Freeman in disbelief.

She was a terrible Council person and this is just another example of her pushing her ''  attitude like being inducted into the JPS Hall of Honor - a bogus selection process all around where more deserving people would of been honored if the process itself wasn't so tainted. But hey, she should be proud to be in a JPS Hall of Honor Class that included 'Bubble-boy' - that incompetent buffoon of a Mayor as one of the inductees.

Actually kind of funny that she would want her name attached to that '$ Rip-off Hold-the-Hose Park' Waste of taxpayer money. The cost of two Splash parks for one.

So, I suggest to my friend Councilman Brescher - drop the shameful politicking and drop the resolution.

Sets a bad precedent by naming things after Council Members for where we go next.

So, what can we expect next?:

Naming Bike Lanes - 'Nish Lanes'

Naming 4 Story Buildings in Clara Barton - 'Coyle Towers'

Naming Fighting in Council Chambers - 'Poyner Cry Me a River'

Naming Council Presidents - 'Bubble-boy' Information Blockers'

Naming Council Chambers - 'Where you go to see Idiocracy come to life'

But hey, what do I know - always thought the goal of politicians should be to serve the Public, not themselves.

Anyhoo, Welcome to Edison - Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Well, here's a Belly punch to 'Bubble-boys' plans to take over the Edison Board of Ed-Dems.

Well, not for nothing but I’ll say it again. In this politically corrupt town, there are no political friends, no political enemies, just political opportunities.

So, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Schneider ticket ‘Champions for Students’ is getting help from the ERC for attendance at their $100 a ticket fundraiser tomorrow.
Well, at least you’ll get 2 Beers to go along with their political hypocrisy. 

I'm sure 'Bubble-boy' likes the coalescing going on here and 'Mr. Shi-shed' is glad he ran with Lugo last election.
Seeing this, I will still gladly donate $100 to help Schneider and his Slate avoid having to defend their record by dropping out of the race.

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that Political parties are supporting the Best Candidates that Support their interests.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Looks like the Slates are forming in that Dem-party cesspool for the Board of Ed-Dems over there on Mythomania Lane.

 Well, it's tad bit early but looks like Campaign action is already getting out there for the November 5th School Board Election.

Not for nothing - but for $100.00, here's a thought for a Special Edition Glass.

Anyhoo, I would gladly donate $100.00 for them to drop out of the race just to help them avoid embarrassment with their record in this campaign.

14 Candidates vying for Board of Ed - 3 Incumbents & 1 Former Member who needs to stay in Forced Retirement

 Well, that's disturbing - looks like Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi, aka Mr. Shi-shed is trying to come out of Forced Retirement for another chance to keep the School District from moving forward.

Here's some Bumper Stickers to help his Campaign:

10. Vote 4 Me I'm Jerry Shi - that's all I got!

9. Vote 4 Shi - he single-handedly put the 'DUMB' in Referendum!

8. Vote 4 Shi - his School District Logo underwear is waiting approval!

7. Vote 4 Shi - he will continue to ignore you!

6. Vote 4 Shi - 9 years just wasn't enough time fo fix the Overcrowding - he's working on his Shi-shed 3.0!

5. Vote 4 Shi - he'll continue to Save you Millions - even if you can't see it!

4. Vote 4 Shi - he turned the 'Nonpartisan' Board of Ed into the Board of Ed-Dems!

3. Vote 4 Shi - he'll Respect any Opinion as long as it Agrees with his Opinion!

2. Vote 4 Shi - he Objects to Candidates with Conflicts unless they're Running with Him!

1. Run Shi Run! (on Shi's Rear Bumper, on 'Bubble-boys' Front Bumper)!

Just a Reminder of this guy's disturbing presence on the Board of Ed-Dems:

We have Jerry 'ReferenDumb' Shi aka Mr. Shi-shed & Mr. PAC-Man - who after 9 years on the Board of EdDems including his inept leadership, there's only 3 days you need to worry about his hypocritical, disturbing presence and dismal performance that keeps the School District from moving forward:

  • Yesterday
  • Today
  • Tomorrow

A guy who single-handedly failed to fix the Overcrowding with his ridiculous twice-failed $300 million Bond Referendums that were Too Much of a Financial Burden for Too Little a Solution, which leaves School Overcrowding a major problem today. A huge waste of money including providing money for 3 elections to try and force it through - despite the voters wishes.

He changed the Board of Ed into the Board of EdDems.

He disenfranchised both the Public and Fellow Board Members with is Dictatorial and Inept Leadership style and demeanor over his 9 years on the Board.

He tries to claim credit for that $100 million bogus piecemeal (with understated costs) plan that won't solve the Overcrowding yet goes around telling everyone that some costs of that piecemeal plan are running twice the original estimates.

He likes Hoarding $30-$40m million in taxpayer monies. He wouldn't return $3 million to the taxpayers whey they had DOE approval to do so.

He had claimed Claimed a Zero School Tax Increase over the last 3 years when he was there and that's Not true.

He Never has a Problem with Conflicts of Interest on the Board - as long as the Conflicted is Running on His Ticket.

He Spends most of his time competing with and trying to undermine Board Members on the other side of the Board of EdDems in the Struggle to Control and Mis-$pend all this hundreds of millions of dollars.

Fortunately, we have an opportunity to expeditiously send Mr. Shi-shed into Forced Retirement and we did last time and do it again on November 5th and prevent a disturbing and dysfunctional presence to have a chance to do it again.

The only Vote for Jerry Shi on November 5th should be No Thanks.

Anyhoo, do your due diligence before you Vote for any of these Incumbents or Mr. Shi-shed - they all need to be kicked to the curb.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Edison Board of Education - Salary file FY 2025

 Well, just received the Edison Board of Education's Current FY Salary file. It shows Staffing of 2,169 for a total of $170,519,974.

Put together a Summary of the file with Grouping by Salary Range as well as a Table so you can drill down/sort by Last Name, Location, Department and Title.

Here's the Summary picture by Salary Range:

Here's a picture sorted for the Top 25 Salaries in the file:

This is an Excel file but this Blog can't handle drop down boxes so if anyone wants this Excel file, just drop me an Email and you're welcome to it.

Anyhoo, Remember this is an Election year for 3 seats on the School Board - make sure you do your due diligence and Vote. Those who show up to Vote Decide - don't let someone else Decide for you.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Edison 2024 Final/2025 Preliminary Tax Bills are out and about

 Well, looks like the 2024 Final/2025 Preliminary tax bills are out. It seems the total property tax rate is 5.953, which is up 3.2-cents over last year's 5.921. 

Not for nothing but it looks like some of these numbers are higher that what were used in 'Bubble-boy's Ridiculous $175.9m Rigged 2024 Budget Presentation.

Here's a quick look at where the changes are in 2024 and who you need to thank for grossing up your tax dollars:

Here's a quick look at what these tax bills mean by taxing entity if you live in that imaginary average home assessed at $183,400:

If you don't live in that imaginary average home assessed at 183,400, then just take your home's assessed value divided by 100 and multiply that number by 5.953 to get your total taxes and by .032 to get your tax increase.

For some reason, I can't upload this Excel calculator into the Blog but if anyone wants the Excel file, just drop me an email and you're welcome to it.

Anyhoo, enjoy being scammed with another year's pick of your pocket through a Bogus 2024 Budget process that prevented any vetting by you - The People of Edison. 

Welcome to Edison - Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

After the Most Recent Embarrassing & Chaotic Events in this politically-corrupt One-party town, might as well see it for what it is

Well, they might as well Hang Bubble-boy's picture up there on the 3rd Floor Wall of Mayor's Now and get it over with - even the Puppet-Masters have to see his naivety isn't worth the chaos and animosity he's causing in this town with his lack of experience and maturity:


Anyhoo, if I were Lankey, I'd make sure they put this One-termer Bubble-boy's picture on another wall and Not next to his picture.

Welcome to Edison - Permanent Home of the 2017 Racist Flyer.