Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Edison Board of Mythomania Passes $262.1 million 2019-20 Bloated Pot of Money - 7 to 0!?!

Well, just saw the video below of last night's Public 2019-20 School Budget Meeting and can't say much about the somewhat parochial presentation given or Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi and his Band of Enablers support for this budget.

Seems they don't want to tell you what this budget does to the school tax rate, staffing, and other anticipated revenue to name a few thingies - just that it goes up by $113 for the taxpayer who lives in that mythical average home assessed at $178,300. You can see what this budget does to You in the post below.

Pitiful, to say the least after they had a public meeting without anyone knowing what was in the school budget until you walked into the meeting.

Also, seems like no one proofed the presentation since on one slide they had the Total School Budget at $262,098,396 and $262,458,396 on another slide. So, who knows what to believe.

Actually, you shouldn't believe anything coming out of Mythomania Lane as this demonstrates. See the March 24th post for thoughts about these less than useful public budgets.

Not surprised that they passed yet another in a long-line of Bloated Pots of Money they call a School Budget. It's always going to be this way until you get people on the Board who understand budgets and want to seriously treat the taxpayers as an equal stakeholder in the process and not just a cash-cow for their excesses, misdirection and lack of transparency.

Be that as it may, a Big Shout-Out and Kudos to Mr. Andrew Hibell for his excellent questioning of the Board on staffing, legal fees and why they have budgeted 3 elections for the upcoming Humongous Bond Referendum already scheduled for September.

Watch Mr. Hibell address the staffing and push-back all their attempts to confuse and mislead the public.

Anyhoo, made a request for the 2019-2020 School Budget and as soon as I get it, I'll add it to this post so you can see the detail - as useless as it may be in understanding what's really going on over there on Mythomania Lane.

Here's the 2019-20 School Budget:

Read it and have a good laugh cry - You're Paying for letting this go on year-after year-after-year!

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