Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sorry, but decency can't be found in Edison!

While I recognize that Edison Political Campaigns are all about winning, it's one thing to attack a person's position on something but it's quite another when you resort to attacking the person. Only weak and insecure people resort to personal attacks when challenged.

Seems in this cesspool we call Edison Politics, there's no decency, integrity or simple respect for one other. Politics in its simplest form is just dealing with People. Seems we forget in this town that winning an election isn't more important than how we treat other people.

Further, we seem to forget that these personal attacks not only effect the individual under attack but also their families. This is particularly disturbing when those families have little ones. Why should anyone's small children have to deal with these personal political attacks?

Maybe it's because I'm Italian but I find family is more important than any of the sleaze-bag politics going on in this town.

So, why am I saying all this? It's because of this campaign flyer that I just received which was put out by Messrs. Sendelsky and Lombardi's "Real Democrats.':

To say the obvious that it's childish, juvenile and downright silly is not enough. It's disgusting, vile and demonstrates what happens when you challenge weak and insecure people in the Local Democratic Party.

So, here's what I think should happen now:

  • Mayor Lankey should come out and publicly apologize to the Hahn family and then to all the People of Edison for failing to control his Column A minions.
  • Mayor Lankey should take a peek into his Column A minions Campaign strategy and tactics and put an end to this type of crapola. 
  • Mayor Lankey needs to Stop hiding in the background and start acting like the Mayor of the 5th Largest Municipality in the State.
  • Messrs. Sendelsky and Lombardi should then publicly apologize to the Hahn family and then all of the People of Edison too.
  • Messrs Sendelsky and Lombardi should remember to run on their strengths, not their weaknesses.
  • Messrs. Sendelsky and Lombardi should immediately be removed from that, arguably, bogus Committee of the Whole investigating that 2017 Racist Flyer.

Anyhoo, have we really sunk this low in Edison that we allow political hacks to determine how we treat one another?

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO! No dignity! Only COWARDS hide behind silence. At best, this family deserves a sincere apology.
