Monday, May 6, 2019

Edison Board of Mythomania's Public Meeting on their $262.1m Bloated 2019-20 School Budget - you gotta show up to see it!?!

Well, just saw the agenda (below) for tonight's Public Meeting on the School Budget. Seems the first question should be - how do you have a Public Meeting on the School Budget Without first releasing it to the Public?

Seems a Tad Bit unfair, don't you think? You can't see what they're voting on unless you go to the meeting and maybe then see a budget hand-out and have to digest 30 pages or so in a few minutes if you want to ask any questions or make comments?

Even though we don't get to Vote on these Bloated Pots of Money they call School Budgets (thanks to the 7 Cluck..Cluck Processing Clerks) these days, you think we should at least be able to see before hand what it is they're Voting on before they vote on it?

Gotta get a Kick out of the transparency going on there over on Mythomania Lane.

Be that as it may, from the School Budget Resolution above, you can figure out and see a few thingies:

  • This School Budget Raises the total $pending by $11.4 million or 4.55%.
  • It increases Other Anticipated Revenue by $9.1 million or 32.34% (see comments in the March 24th post after you stop laughing about this number).
  • State aid is meant to Reduce the Local Tax Burden, Not to Increase $pending.
  • It Raises the Local School Tax Levy by $2.3 million or 1.02%.
  • It Raises the School Tax Rate to $3.107 which is up 6.3-Cents or 2.1% over last year's $3.044 or $3.045 if you look at your tax bill to see what you were actually charged.
  • The $pending increase is up 2.78% offset by a reduction due to the Ratables increase of .72%.
  • It's A Big Fat, $tick it to the taxpayers Bloated Pot of Money for the Gazillionth year in a row.
  • Here's a thought - if you cut $4.8 million out of the $pending increase in this school budget and they should (and that's being kind), the school tax increase in this budget would drop in half. Time to Stop increasing the Bloat and Fat in these budgets that grow exponentially by the 2% cap every year. Make them do their job and eliminate all the unnecessary $pending over there or just cut the $4.8 million and let them eat off the all the Bloat they have stored up over the years.
  • If they wait until the last minute to have a Public Meeting (by May 7th), then they can use the extra week until May 14th to cut the $4.8 million before they must adopt the 2019-20 School Budget.

Here's where you can see what this 2019-20 School Budget will Cost you without seeing any of the double-secret details:

Anyhoo, at least we're comforted in the knowledge that under Jerry 'Needs to Step-down' Shi's leadership, the Board of Mythomania proves again that they have no problem disrespecting the Stakeholder that pays all the bills - the Edison taxpayer. Can You Say OINK!..OINK!

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