Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Somebody get Messrs. Sendelsky & Lombardi Some Cheese to Go with their Whine! - Preferably a Kind that Won't Add To the Stench Already Hanging Over this Town!

Seriously, never was much of a fan of the Edison Democratic Organization (EDO). Always thought of it as the Party that made Edison Safe for Hypocrisy. Further,  they gave up their claim of being the Party of the People of Edison a very long time ago.

Their one-party rule in this town has made the perils of one-party government a long-time reality and checks and balances something you only read about in textbooks.

So, you can imagine, while nothing they do in this town surprises me anymore, it's kind of hard to understand this 'Group of 5' - now called Edison Democrats 2019. 

You know who they are. It's the ticket of Sendelsky and Lombardi running for Council, Bob 'See No Conflict' Diehl running for Freeholder and Samip (Sam) 'big-Boy Pants' Joshi and Alvaro 'KaraMia' Gomez running for Committeemen.

All running off the Democratic Party ticket. Seems Sendelsky and Lombardi didn't have any problems or complaints when they won the Dem-Party's endorsement at the screening process but apparently are crying like sore-losers now that they lost the endorsement. 

Hey, you can't reap the rewards the Local Dem-Party throws your way and then complain when they take it away. If you agreed to play by their rules, then you have to accept it when it's your time to go.

Sendelsky and Lombardi should just respect the vote of this Local Dysfunctional Party they joined and quietly Go Away. 

And just out of curiosity, what's a Real Democrat mean? I keep hearing it and from what I can see, don't get how any of the 'Group of 5' would be what a Real Democrat means to me. But hey, that's just me.

Which brings me to the point of all this nonsense. Saw this flyer paid for by the Edison Democrats 2019:

Well, where to start?!? 

First, let's start with traitor, liar, disloyal and phony language. That's nice - if your in the 3rd grade - even then, you'd probably have a problem with your parents. Name calling just isn't the best way to make your case as to why someone should vote for you - and not for nothing, no explanation as to why they used these terms to describe their individual opponents. Guess you have to take their word for it about their opponents and forget about their records.

Next, Real Edison Democrats Fight Back - once again, what's a Real Democrat? Someone who loses but won't accept the outcome and Go Away? 

Next, Fight for the Heart and Soul of Our Democratic Party! - what, the Dem-Party lost their Heart and Soul when Sendelsky and Lombardi lost their spots? That's a Hoot!

Next, Edison's Democratic Party is being Hijacked! That's a good one. The Local Democratic Party was Hijacked all right - Hijacked by the EDO from the People of Edison a long time ago.

Next, Don't get Fooled by Lies & Strong-Arm Tactics! Got a good chuckle out of this one. Nah, the Local Dem-Party never lied or used strong-arm tactics in their processes.

Finally, it's good to know that the EDO Chair is taking his marching orders from Democrat-turned-Republican and Defective Detective Keith Hahn. That's just Nice!

You know this power struggle in the Local Dem-Party is getting boring now and suffice to say the town is a mess. You need only look to the highest elected Dem-party official in Downtown Edison to say thanks for this mess - and that's Mayor Tom 'Now 17.1% but Won't Debate' ChoiLankey. Thanks Tom for making Edison what it is now.

But you know what really concerns me - it's not these juvenile flyers, it's the fact that the 'Group of 5' is part of the 7 Processing Clerks which make up the Committee of the Whole that's supposed to be investigating the Racist Flyer from the 2017 election - after letting the Stench Hang over this Town for So Long.

So, you have this 'Group of 5' (who put out flyers like the above) who broke away from the Local Dem-Party and who now are investigating, while also taking shots at the Dem-Party Chair and Keith Hahn. 

Geez, bet you probably can figure out where this investigation is heading for this election cycle.

Anyhoo, if you're a Democrat in this town, you should Hang Your Head in Shame with what's going on here.

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